Sales vs. Ad Spend Tracking
Instantly compare your sales revenue against ad spend to measure profitability.
Merch Ads Pro is the ultimate Chrome extension designed to streamline your advertising workflow. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned seller, this tool helps you create and manage Amazon Advertising (AMS) campaigns effortlessly.
Generate high-performing ads for your Merch products, with just a few clicks.
Connect directly to your Merch by Amazon and KDP AMS accounts for smooth ad creation and tracking.
Target the right audience and increase product discoverability without spending hours on manual setup.
Focus on scaling your business while we handle the ad automation process.
Get a clear view of ACOS trends with intuitive charts and graphs.
Easily switch between different Amazon marketplaces (US, UK, DE, CA, etc.) to manage global ad campaigns.
Managing your Amazon Merch ads has never been easier! Merch Ads Pro simplifies the entire process, allowing you to create and manage ads with just a few clicks.
Instantly compare your sales revenue against ad spend to measure profitability.
Automatically subtract ad costs from total revenue to show actual earnings.
Monitor CTR (Click-Through Rate), CPC (Cost Per Click), ROAS (Return on Ad Spend), and ACOS (Advertising Cost of Sales).
Get a breakdown of performance trends over time.
Identify high-performing and low-performing campaigns to adjust budgets efficiently.
Visual charts and graphs for quick performance evaluation.
$0 /month
$7.99 /month
$86.99 /year